***************************************************************************** * * * **************** * * * AutoMenu 1.0 * * * **************** * * * * by * * * * Jean-Laurent PRADEL * * Februar 1993 * * * ***************************************************************************** Introduction ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ It was a cold day in October or November, so I decided to make something with Bob. Bob is my computer... But this day was special, because I realized that I was really fed up to lose time to type a full path and the good name (after some dir/w) to retrieve finally the program that I wanted to use... So I jumped in TP 6... And start this program... Why, What ? ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ When you want to have an easy acces to a program, the DOS proposes you to create a PATH line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT... You rapidly realize that this line becomes longer and longer... And you always need to remember the name of the good EXE program... BORING ! It 's why I created AUTOMENU. In fact, you can find others programs which offer more possibilities than mine. But I really want to have one in graphic mode... Maybe I was boring to ear some people saying "Oh, you search the name ! This will not happend with a Macintosh !" To resume, AUTOMENU is an opening menu Creator...! Hum... Creator...!?! You will need to help it a little bit... How does it work ? ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This program is in fact composed of 2 programs : - Initor which creates the menu... (A file named MENU.ACC) - Automenu which 'executes' this menu... First, you need to set up your menu. For this use the program INITOR. This program will scan your disk, get the tree, and propose you to select the programs that you want to put in your menu... Type INITOR (Disk) (Disk) indicates which disk will be scanned. Examples : INITOR C or INITOR D If the file MENU.ACC already exists on C:\, it will propose you to 'overwrite' it or 'add or del events'... After what, it will scan your disk. Then you will be able to make a round in yours directories... If you choose 'Search EXE', the program will give you the list of the executables programs (EXE, COM and BAT) in the current directory. The files .EXE will appear in Red, the files .COM in Magenta and the files .BAT in Darkgrey. Just select a file and give a name to the label which will represent the program. I limited this name to 8 caracters for this version. When you are OK, go back until leaving the program. INITOR writes always a file MENU.ACC in the root directory of C:, and only here...! And now.... You just need to type..... AUTOMENU... I leave you the surprise... Problems...! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Yes, I know... A good program has no problem... But I never said that it 's a good program....! Seriously, I know few problems...: Generally : It 's possible that the programs never find your mouse...! This could happen with old drivers specially with old Logitech Drivers... This could happen if you use the driver which comes with Windows (I think only Win 3.0...). With INITOR : It 's simply not perfect... For example, it can only display correctly 32 directories (you will see that it 's not a problem if you have a nice tree on your HD) and 54 executables programms ! That 's could be a problem, not with the normals directories which only contain a main program but it 's a problem with the DOS directory and the WINDOWS directory (only if you have not make a lot of subdirectories...). Nethertheless you can select the COMMAND.COM to get a Dos-Shell (you could quit it easily with 'exit'!). With AUTOMENU : It 's the more stupid program that I never write ! It makes no test for the mouse, the MENU.ACC file and others things. I eliminated those tests to win momery place. It needs now 50400 Kb of memory to run... It 's not a problem with most of the programs (Windows, Games, and what you want...). But a friend saw that some big games had no more enough memory (WC for example). Informations ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I would like to distribute this program as POSTWARE ! I just will be very happy to receive a beautifful postcard of your city or something else ???!!!.... Before May 93 : After May 93 : Jean-Laurent PRADEL Jean-Laurent PRADEL (always me !) Im Sohlgraben 1A Ch. Pi‚gros Sud D 3550 MARBURG Villa Le Sapin Bleu 83170 BRIGNOLES Germany France You could also give me your hot remarks by E-Mail : Pidou@astro.chemie.uni-marburg.de (but I really like the postcards...) Something else ! For this program, I used an Unit to program the mouse in graphic mode... I wrote this unit for few mounths... And you could found it in Simtel20 /turbopas, and all the mirrors of Simtel20 (WuArchive for example...). I hope that you will like it...! Have fun. Viele Spaá. Amusez vous bien. Jean-Laurent PRADEL.